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In today’s world of home intrusions and general freakiness, there is every reason to have some kind of security systems in Melbourne installed in your home and it all depends on what you are comfortable with, to which system you decide on.

You can go the CCTV cameras and have a bank of monitors that you can view and have space for recording footage, or go the IP camera route where you can view what is happening from whatever devices you have on you at the time and there is no need to be home.

There are disadvantages and advantages to both, if you are not really into all the computer jargon and don’t have a bag full of devices, that you take everywhere with you, then a network camera is really not going to be of any use for you and you are better going analogue. The picture won’t be as good and you will have less options when it comes to features but you are also less likely to have your system jacked by some enterprising hacker and can keep some semblance of privacy.

There have been instances of IP cameras being hacked into and individuals have been watching the children sleep in their beds, now this is like candy to all those paedophiles out there in cyber space and they do like to use their technology to keep in touch and find the next kiddy to take. They can monitor your house, find out your routines and when the children are most vulnerable to being taken, instead of securing your house you have invited the criminals in.

It doesn’t matter what you do though there are vulnerabilities to each system and if someone really wants to bypass the system they will be able to do so, however if you don’t really have all the much worth stealing and it is just for your own peace of mind then most times the sight of a camera and a motion activated lighting system will scare most of the house breakers away.

There are some simple rules to keep you off their radar, don’t leave the garage door open for all to see the toys you have in there, such as boats, jet skis, bikes and the two cars. Have secure locks and make sure there is a routine for securing the house of a night and when you leave during the day. Change your routines so that they can find no pattern to when you are going to be home and when you are out. Every now and again come home during lunch if you can and get a dog. If it looks too hard and there are too many variables most thieves will find some other house to burgle and leave yours alone, make sure your cameras are active and in good condition, no point in spending the cash if a year down the line you realise they haven’t been working.

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